Our product range

Special Screws



Sherpa XXL220 CS - 106,70 kN / 490/140/29 mm (3 Paar/Karton)
The innovative connectors are suitable for use in many different fields of construction.
From working with nodal points in timber construction or roof and wall components to mixed and special structures with steel or concrete - everything is possible.

Dimensions: 140 x 490 mm
Thickness: 29 mm

Minimum cross section secondary beam: 160 x 520 mm
(Minimum cross-section applies if the upper edge of the main beam and the secondary beam are assembled together.)
Fastener Wood: 27 units 8,0 x 160 mm, Item# 10000021885
Fastener Concrete: 10 units Fischer FBS II 8 x 80 30/15 SK, Item# 10000035596
Fastener Steel: 18 units M10 8.8, DIN 7991

Rated value of load bearing capacity: 106,70 kN
(The values are rated values in kN of the connection to the reinforced concrete quality C 25/30 by adhering to the minimum edge distances and minimum part thickness. The rated values refer to the use of FISCHER concrete screws. The connection to the wood cross-section must be separately observed and rated depending on the quality of wood.)
3 pair/package
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